If you are homeless in St. Charles, Lincoln or Warren Counties and need help:
- Call 2-1-1 from any phone line. At the answering prompt:
- Press “2” – for help with your housing crisis
- Enter Zip Code – any in St. Charles, Lincoln or Warren Counties will get you to help
- Press “3” – for Homeless
- You will then be connected to the Coordinated Entry Team for assistance.
- You can also email paul.kruse.1947@gmail.com
- If FSBH is the best agency to support your needs, we will receive a referral from them and will
- contact you to discuss possible services. Do not call us directly.
- If we instruct you to go to a local motel, you will be asked to fill out a ministry intake form there before you go to your room. You will need ID to stay, and no pets are allowed.
- After acceptance we will counsel with you on the Gospel (I Corinthians 15): Birth, Life, Death, Burial, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ. We believe if you don’t have God in your life, you don’t have a prayer. Spiritual Christian counseling is the highest priority on our list of support, if you wish to participate.
- FSBH may be able to provide some of the following services, as resources are available to us:
- Motel room for two nights
- Food (meals served most evenings per calendar posting in lobby)
- Clothing via voucher to Mary Martha Thrift Store in Wentzville
- Cell phone or phone card minutes
- Fuel for car
- Transportation
- FSBH expects you to submit 15 applications per day for work for each night of lodging. Job search forms need to be filled out and returned to the motel office. The goal for you is to become self-supporting as soon as possible.
- FSBH may be able to provide more temporary lodging once a job is secured, until you get your first paycheck. At that point your first responsibility is to pay for your own motel expense. Upon becoming self-supporting while living in the motel we may provide additional help for a short time.
- We will follow up with your progress after you become self-supporting in the motel and provide additional help on a short term basis as we are able.
- We may help with rental deposits, utility deposits, furniture and other resources for those who obtain permanent housing, depending on our finances.