Death Prevention is Goal for Winter Warming Centers
From Mid -November through Mid-March each year, if temperatures are predicted to be 20 degrees or below overnight, the Emergency Weather Response (EWR) Program of the St. Charles, Lincoln and Warren Counties Continuum of Care will activate Free Warming Centers in selected churches to provide safe sleeping accommodations for our unhoused neighbors and their pets.
The primary purpose of the EWR Program is death prevention. 2022 will be the 8th year for this essential program in our three county region. To date there have been no deaths in our area due to hypothermia. First responders often guide the homeless to locations that are open on bitter cold nights. A total of 11 sites will share in the provision of this service this year.
To locate the nearest warming center, call the hotline number at 636-395-0492 after 3 pm for the most current information. Transportation services may be available.
Trained volunteers at each warming center site will be on hand to greet, check in, oversee the evening activities, provide food, prepare laundry, clean up and load a van where supplies are transported from one church to another during the winter season.
Please keep the hotline number handy, and pass it out to any homeless person you encounter during the cold winter season. If you or your church would like more information about how you can become involved, please call LINC Director Kathy Thompson or Warming Center Coordinator Tiffany Jackson at 636-332-5127 x 222 or 314-295-6177 (cell).